
Ways for horse and rider to keep cool at summer shows

Showing is really fun and very rewarding, but it can also be really stressful because of the pressure to do well and to be perfect and make sure everything goes smoothly, which when you have another being to consider who doesn`t speak English, can be quite difficult.

Fan your horse to keep them cool

On top of that, when the heat is brutal and you just want to melt it can turn the heat up. Luckily, there are ways to keep you and your horse nice and cool during summer shows, both to be comfortable and also to stay safe, because we don`t want anyone having heat stroke.

Shade, Shade, Shade

Your mother always told you to stay in the shade to avoid sunburn and the sentiment remains. Shade will always be significantly cooler than the sun and being out of direct sunlight will help you stay cool and not get sunburnt (as if you needed to be more uncomfortable).

Even though most shows are in a field, that`s ok, if there are no trees nearby, sometimes staying near your trailer can do the trick.

Hose Off Horse (And Yourself)

Hosing off your horse after they compete can help keep their core temperature down so they don`t get too hot. Before you compete you can hose off their legs or just run a cool, wet sponge over their coats to keep their temperature down without messing up all your hard work to make them pretty.

Hosing your horse helps them keep cool

Don`t forget to do the same for yourself. Be sure you and your horse consume enough fluids and periodically douse yourself in a bit of water.

Freeze Washcloths Beforehand

If you know the day of your show is going to be particularly hot, the night before freeze some damp washcloths and then bring them with you. Putting these around your neck are so refreshing and amazing at keeping you cool. You can also hang on around your horse`s neck to keep them cooler as well.


You don`t need a plug to have a fan, there are plenty of small little battery powered ones that can do wonders. Bring a few with you on show day and hold one in front of your horse and you to keep you both cool and without overheating.

They usually work best when you spritz yourself with a bit of water beforehand. Don`t underestimate the power of these little beauties.

Staying cool are horse shows in the summer is no easy feat, but with some planning ahead of time and smart thinking you and your horse will survive and hopefully bring back some ribbons.

Cool Horse

Ways for horse and rider to keep cool at summer shows